Who deserves to be on the team?

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

ALDC is in the Big Apple

Because Abby was invited to be on the View, the ALDC traveled to NYC with her. In New York, the girls were able to perform The Last Text on the View and now on tonight's episode, they are going to competition. Guess who else is there?
CANDY APPLES! Abby can't even journey to NYC and escape Cathy!

For this episode, I hope Mackenzie is ranked higher than last on the pyramid (if there is a pyramid) since she danced on the view, and I hope she is put in the group dance! She deserves to be!

Here is a cute pic of Kenzie! I think its a rare picture... What about you?

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sophia Lucia

Do you like dance moms better with or without Sophia Lucia?

Sophia Lucia is a really sweet girl, but I sort of like dance moms better without any guest members on the team. When a guest comes and joins the team, the moms go a little crazy because they think that their child is going to be replaced. When Sophia was there, I'd have to say that she was the best dancer! There is no one else on the ALDC that can perfectly do 55 turns and is super flexible!
I was surprised that Sophia left when she did. Her mom wanted to leave because she thought that it would be unfair to have Sophia take away one of the original girls solos like Abby had brought up! Here are some videos of Sophia when she was 5 years old... SO ADORABLE

Melissa Got Married!

Did you know that Melissa got married?
I believe she got married in early April. And she didn't keep it a secret from the dance moms. I found pictures of the girls from the wedding on google and I found a slide show of all the pictures of the dance moms girls and the Zieglers on youtube.

I bet the whole thing about Melissa keeping her engagement a secret was just some more drama for the show.
Here are some of the pics the girls took at the wedding.


Every dancer forgets their solo at some point in their dancing career. On Dance Moms, all of the dancer except Brooke have forgotten their solos on stage. Each girl had a different way they reacted when they forgot their number. Maddie ran off the stage and started freaking out while Mackenzie just paused for a second on stage and then continued on. Also, some of the girls just stood in the middle of the stage and looked terrified.

Good job Broke for never forgetting you solo!

Here is a video of all the times the girls forgot their solos. It is really sad to watch in my opinion.

Reused Dance Moms Costumes!

Throughout the seasons of Dance Moms, the ALDC reused multiple costumes for solos and group dances. It is explanatory that dance companies reuse costumes like this because it is more cost effective! I was searching through You Tube the other day and I found a video of all the different costumes that they reused. It hasn't been updated for 5 months so some may be missing!

Here's the video!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Throw Back! Chloe's Solo Silence!

At nationals last season, Chloe performed a solo to the song Silence. Last year, she took a first place win up against both Maddie and Justice (former Candy Apple's student). Chloe was worried about nationals since the season before she had forgotten her solo on stage! Since nationals is probably coming up soon for the ALDC, I wonder who will be performing a solo/duet/trio.

Here is Chloe's solo from nationals!


What do you guys think about the way Abby puts the girls into a pyramid a the beginning of each episode?

I think that most of the time, it is a good idea because it shows the girls that they need to work harder and they get to see where they are in Abby's eyes. Also, it sometimes gets really judgmental. I believe that a lot of the times the moms believe that their daughter's should be on top because they always think that their daughters did the best they could at competition. But Abby always looks at the small things.All of the girls deserve their chance to be on top and to be on the bottom, but its not every week!

The Abby Lee Doll

The Abby Lee Bobble Hips Doll!! Now being sold at lifetime.com! Yes there is an Abby Lee Doll that does as the girls would say "What Miss. Abby does best!" The Abby Lee Bobble Hips doll shakes her hips like Abby does on the show! I really think this doll is just hilarious.

It even has her signature finger! I don't think she should be smiling though, but I still want this doll! I would love to have it because I can't stop laughing about it! You can order an Abby Lee Bobble Hips below!
Abby Lee BobbleHips Link

Christi VS Kristie

Now that Asia has joined ALDC, there are two parents named Christi/Kristie. They both have two completely different personalities! I find Kristie slightly annoying and full of herself and her daughter. On a couple episodes ago, Asia's mom said to all the parents that she thought asia was better than Nia and I could tell on the last episode that she wanted Asia to be on the View and not Kenzie. Christi, Chloe's mom, is hillarious. Sometimes she fights too much, but all the other times, she makes me laugh so hard!

If I had to choose one mom that I like better, I would choose Christi Lukasiak because she is super funny and accepts that her daughter is not the best.
Here is a picture of Asia, Kristie, and her little sister!

Chloe is Back on Top

There were many weeks where Chloe has been pushed to the bottom of the pyramid and been hurt by Abby because of what her mom did. After being "suspended", Chloe had a hard time pulling herself up to the top of the pyramid. She kept on climbing up the pyramid, but she would never make it there since Maddie had always beaten her on her solo. With Chloe's elegant solo to the song About Mother, she was able to pull out a second place win one point behind Maddie.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

And Abby chooses Mackenzie to perform at the View

Yesterday night, Abby was having some trouble deciding which dancer should perform on the View while she was co-hosting. My personal thoughts were that Mackenzie should perform the dance because she has been a member of the Abby Lee Dance Company and Asia has just joined as a guest. Also, while they were getting ready for the group routine, Mackenzie was wearing the original white dress with the blood on it while Asia was wearing just a plain black dress. How could someone be "flying out the front of the car" and not be covered in blood. So in my opinion, that was a giveaway that Mackenzie was doing the number.

Here is the full group dance on the view!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

About Mother

While in Ohio, Chloe competed a Lyrical/Contemporary solo to the song About Mother. She pulled out a second place win and only lost by 1 point. This week, I thought Chloe performed a lot better than she had the week before. Last episode, Abby had put so much pressure on her because of the voting between Maddie's and Chloe's solos. Without as much pressure, Chloe came out onto the stage and performed her routine amazingly. I loved her dark aqua costume! The color looked great on her and it went perfectly with the dance.

Here is a re-cap if you forgot what her solo was!

Hear No Evil

Abby did something a little different to the group dance Here No Evil.
Instead of having all the girls perform the group dance, she had Maddie be her assistant choreographer. The other girls had to try their best to stay together and remember their timing because now Maddie wouldn't be there front and center if they needed help. I loved this group routine. I liked how their costumes had a long skirt and a crop top. It was very subtle and a perfect match for the dance.

At Energy Dance Competition, the group dance won first overall. This was the first time I have ever seen Asia perform a style of dance other than hip hop or jazz!

Do you think it was weird for Melissa to not have her daughters in the group routine since Mackenzie was injured and Maddie was assisting?

Here is a recap of the phenomenal routine performed by the girls this weekend.

They'll Never Change

Last Tuesday, Ms. Abby had Maddie perform another solo to the song They'll Never Change. I thought she did amazing as usual! Her technique keeps on improving as I watch the show. Maddie also has such great emotion when she is on stage! She placed first at Energy Dance Competition in Ohio.

Did anyone else think that she was wearing the same costume as Sophia Lucia wore in the group dance she competed in when none of the ALDC girls went to competition?
Just wondering!

Here is her solo just in case you want to see it again!

The View

Next week on dance moms, ALDC is traveling to the Big Apple to host the view. Abby was able to choose one of her competition dances to perform while she was there. After much thought, Abby picked the breath taking, award winning number The Last Text. Personally, I thought that her choice of the dance The Last Text was perfect.

Since we all know that Mackenzie is injured, Asia might have to take Mackenzie's part in the last text. In my opinion, Mackenzie should be able to keep her part in the routine since she is an actual member of the team and Asia is a guest.

The other day as I was looking through You Tube, I saw a link to a video performance of the girls on the view. It showed the full dance when they performed it live. Mackenzie was playing her part in the dance like it was when they first performed it!

Here is the link if you want to see a sneak peek to the view!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Move You Too: Asia and Nia duet

On the most recent episode of Dance Moms Asia Ray, and Nia Frazier had a duet called, "Move You Too." I personally just didn't  like the dance. I didn't really like the outfits and the hair was not... Very nice looking. I wish Abby would have let them rehearse their dance, or at least let them stretch because they had bent legs a lot. They both had a lot of bent legs, and Asia was a little too energetic for this dance. I also noticed Asia was going too fast. I wish the girls could have  practiced because they would have done better. I know they got first place, but I still don't think they did their best. I noticed Nia had trouble on the lift, you can see her stuggling to pull Asia over her shoulder. Asia's a tiny girl, but she has a lot of muscle, so I think it made it difficult for Nia. I think that Abby was just challenging Nia. If you haven't seen this dance, watch the full version below.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mackenzie's being replaced?

Recently ever since Asia Monet Ray has joined the Abby Lee Dance Company, everyone is saying Asia may replace Mackenzie. Asia is an amazing little firework of a dancer, but I highly doubt she will replace Mackenzie. If Abby replaced Mackenzie then she will have a chance of losing her best dancer, Maddie Ziegler. Abby is probably telling Mackenzie about replacement, so that Mackenzie will work harder. Although Asia is good, Mackenzie could be like Maddie when she's older, and Abby can't risk losing them. Asia is great at jazz because she has a lot of energy, but who knows if she's really that great at other things such as lyrical, or tap. Here's a dance from Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition
Maybe we have a new dancer? Maybe we don't. We'll just have to see.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The vote?

In the most recent episode of dance moms Maddie, and Chloe both have solos which means they're competing again! I remember when Abby would give the girls solos every week so they would compete against each other. I thought those days were over, but apparently I thought wrong!

I don't think it's bad that Abby makes the girls compete against each other, personally I think it makes both of them work harder which is obviously why Abby makes them compete against each other sometimes. I like watching the girls compete against one another because they seem to dance better knowing that someone is competing at their level. I don't think Abby is trying to turn the girls against each other, but just trying to get the best out of them.

While the girls would dance Abby made the moms AND the other girls vote who they thought danced the best out of the two. I love Chloe, and Maddie, but I think the vote was a good idea. Abby wasn't trying to pick on either of them, I think she wanted them to realize that dance isn't all about friendship and that you have to accept the judging.

I don't think it should have made anyone feel bad because it was just another silly thing that Abby does to get the girls competitive side

On a side note I could not stop laughing when Kelly choose Paige.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I'm Trying

Maddie performed a solo to the song I'm Trying and managed ti make another 1st place win. During Maddie's performances, she uses her emotion and technique so well that I know that she is going to win. If you compared Maddie's first solo on Dance Moms in 2011 to the solos she is performing now, you can see huge improvement in technique and performance skills. Maddie won the voting of the parents and other students and also won first in the competition. Overall, it was a great competition for Maddie. I would not be surprised if she is on the top of the pyramid.

Here is a recap of her 1st place solo!

Am I Here to Stay??

Tonight on Dance Moms, Abby put Maddie, and Chloe head to head at competition for the first time in the third season. They both performed a lyrcial/contemporary style solos. Chloe's solo was called "Am I Here to Stay." I thought her solo was amazing. She is always a great performer and nails her tricks. I didn't personally like her costume (a long burgundy dress). I think Abby could have found something that suit her better. I found the voting between Maddie and Chloe was unfair, but both of their performances were flawless.

Here is Chloe's solo if you haven't seen it or you just want to watch it again! (she placed 2nd overall in her age division)

Free the People

On Dance Moms tonight, the theme was politics. During the episode, Abby had the girls learn a dance called Free the People. I loved the dance even though I think Abby took the whole "politics" theme a little too far. From having the group dance with an American flag in it to having the girls vote on which solo they thought would win, Abby sure did get her point across about politics. In the group dance, the girls were dressed in festive American wear and even had a real American flag to dance with. Overall, I loved the group dance and I was disappointed that it only received 2nd place.

Here is a recap of the group number!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Candy Apples: Machine Lines

On the most recent episode of Dance Moms the girls went against their arch rival Candy Apples Dance Center. Cathy is just dying to beat Abby, and even hired a new team full of boys just to get more points. Cathy doesn't even choreograph the dances anymore, and this week she hired one of Abby's good friends to try to make Abby mad. I think the boys did pretty good in this dance, but I noticed it was kind of a dance that the girls would have done. If you haven't seen the Candy Apples Dance watch it here.
The boys did pretty good, but I think they were just obviously using Abby's moves, but what can you expect from Cathy? Hopefully the girls beat the Apples next time!

We Believe

Maddie Ziegler, Chloe Lukasiak, and Kendall Vertes all came together and performed a trio to We Believe on the last episode. I really thought the girls performed well on this trio. They were in sync with each other and they had a very good performance. For some reason, I think that Paige is being replaced in the trio. Maddie, Chloe, and Paige used to be the original trio, but now Kendall is always in the trios. I have nothing against kendall being in the trios, but I do miss the original trio a lot. 

Here is the trio from Tuesday night if you haven't seen it or just want to watch it again!

Return to Grace

Last episode, the dancers at ALDC prepared a group number to the song Return to Grace. I really loved this group dance and I absolutely loved the costumes. During the group dance, I noticed that Maddie had quite a few parts in which she was doing certain moves by herself. I was confused by that. When it came to awards, I was so sad to see that they did not even place overall! Even though I loved the CADC group number, I think that the girls should have won 1st overall.

Here are the two dances if you haven't seen them yet.

Chloe Lukasiak: Black Heart

Last episode Chloe did her solo "Black Heart." I personally think she could have danced better, but I still think she did good. The outfit was a bit... Different for a contemporary dance, and I did not like the outfit that much. I understand Abby wasn't very happy about Chloe's little rock and roll sign, I would have agreed if she didn't have that outift. But she was supposed to be like that in the dance, so I think Abby just needed to pick on her (as usual.) If you haven't seen Chloe's dance watch it here!
I am happy that Chloe got a solo, and I'm not saying she did bad at all I mean she did get 1st place, but I think she has done much better dances than this. I think this would have been better without the crazy outfit. Hopefully Chloe gets a good spot on the pyramid next week!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Asia comes to ALDC!

On the sneak peak to this Tuesday's episode, Abby said that Asia from Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition would be joining the competition team. Asia is around the same age as kenzie so it will bring up some real competition between the two of them! 7 year old Asia Ray was one of the top three on the competition show. Abby was not a big fan of her since her technique wasn't the best, but the other two judges loved her performance quality. She has the best facial expressions I have ever seen! Here is a recap on the last solo she performed on Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition. This Tuesday, I believe Asia will be redoing Maddie Ziegler's solo Big Bow Wow. I don't know if she is doing the exact choreography that Maddie did but I know she is using the same costume at some point. Here is Maddie's Big Bow Wow solo.
 Lets wait and see what happens tomorrow night at 8pm on Dance Moms!